We ain’t talking about basketball here folks!
Recently, while out downtown with two of my gorgeous “single-and-ready-to-mingle” girlfriends, I thought to myself, what does it take to “have game?”
What are the bodily reactions and verbal ploys that prove to be successful?
As one male approached me, I nervously looked away. Since I wasn’t really feeling it, I thought I would observe. See what my friends and the other females at the bar did to attract attention of the opposite or same sex.
After ordering another vodka tonic, I watched in amazement. There really are things that women and men do to help “have game.”
The Females:
#1- Batting of the eyes. (The metallic, smokey eyes that is…)
#2- “Flooffing of the hair.” (My friend Diana does this via Dirty Secret, an awesome hair product that helps add volume to your lusterous hair.)
#3- Re-applying the make up. (Lip gloss, eyeliner, face paint, etc.)
#4- Eye contact, eye contact, eye contact!
#5- Sexy drinking…playing with the straw…you’ve seen this!
The Males:
#1- Straight approach, walking up to you and saying hello. (BOLD MOVE HERE!)
#2- Direct verbal approach…”What’s your sign baby?”
#3- “Poofing of the chest” (Walking around with their chests stuck out, arms back…flaunting their feathers!)
#4- Eye contact, eye contact, eye contact!
#5- Casually bumping into you at the bar. “Whoops…you come here often baby?”
So who really does have game? And will we ever know if it’s working? Whatever you do, please do not do this…

About Elisa D Wallace

Hello World! I'm a 31-year-old, freelance writer, living in Charlotte, NC. This blog provides insight on what life has like since I am no longer, "Almost Thirty" and now "Anxiously Thirty." Follow me as I attempt, to gracefully navigate through this random thing I call life. Comments are welcome and encouraged!

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