As I choose to openly make fun of myself, I thought would be hilarious to have a running list of things and events late 20’ers like to do. It was inspired of course, by the beloved “Stuff White People Like.” This time the catch is that it does not apply to only one race…it’s dedicated to anyone in their late 20’s!

Please feel free to comment and let me know if you have anything to add to the list!

10- Attend graduate school. 😉

9- Begin reaching out to all areas of the dating world. (older, younger, richer, poorer, etc.)

8- Happy Hour..although it gets earlier as time marches on!

7- Re-invent themselves with new clothes, hair, an accent, etc.

6- Begin training for a marathon.

5- Take up a new religion.

4- Seek out a new “thrill-seeking” hobby, skydiving, motorcross racing, noodling, etc.

3- Instead of the countless bachlorette parties, now attend their alterego- “divorce parties.”

2- Try online dating.

1- Start blogging about their worthless lives. 😉

Now please add your comments, as this is a short but ongoing list. Who knows? This could really take off!

Cheers! ~Eli

About Elisa D Wallace

Hello World! I'm a 31-year-old, freelance writer, living in Charlotte, NC. This blog provides insight on what life has like since I am no longer, "Almost Thirty" and now "Anxiously Thirty." Follow me as I attempt, to gracefully navigate through this random thing I call life. Comments are welcome and encouraged!

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