This past Tuesday, I attended a lecture at SCAD by celebrated New York Times Op-Ed Columnist, author and journalist, Gail Collins.

Gail Collins, my new hero.

Collins’ latest book, When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present, is a tribute to the fantastic trailblazers who paved the road for the rest of U.S. women to be able to do the things we do today. From discussing tough topics (at the time) like slavery to integrating the New York transit system, women like Harriet Beecher Stowe, Clara Barton, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Jennings truly made their mark on history.

About half way through the lecture, Collins began describing how back in the mid 19th century, in order for women to be good “housewives” they were supposed to simply stay at home and “Radiate Goodness.” The world outside, with its freedom and harsh elements was just too risky for women to venture into.

As Collins continued, I began to question whether “Radiating Goodness” had ever truly stopped? Wasn’t it making a comeback in a big way today?

It seems like the past couple years the idea of “housewives” has taken center stage. TV shows like Bravo’s series of “Real Housewives” and ABC’s “Desperate Housewives” celebrate the idea of the quintessential “housewife.”

From New York to Miami, Orange County to Atlanta, it seems that no city is safe.

RHW of Miami...latinas with credit cards.

Real Housewives of Orange County (Season Six), where even the tans are orange

While many of the wives on both shows do actually work, there are still a number who capitalize on the idea of being a homemaker and relying solely on the man to pay the bills. Take Alexis Bellino from The Real Housewives of Orange County. Bellino’s own intro which runs at the beginning of the show, calls her husband, Jim her “God and Savior.”

Are you kidding me? 

She loves doing anything and everything for him on the show. And Jim, who often blesses the family, walks around like a pastor or something. Oftentimes, Alexis and her “savior” are too repulsing to watch.

Alexis the Idiot.

While women like Alexis annoy the bejesus out of me, I will not be a complete hypocrite. When these shows come on, like passing a bad traffic accident on a road, I cannot look away. They have my attention, whether it is for just a few moments or the entire hour.

Are these women radiating stupidity? Help me out here people. What do you think about this new wave of possibly anti-feminism?

Ay dios mios! ~Eli

About Elisa D Wallace

Hello World! I'm a 31-year-old, freelance writer, living in Charlotte, NC. This blog provides insight on what life has like since I am no longer, "Almost Thirty" and now "Anxiously Thirty." Follow me as I attempt, to gracefully navigate through this random thing I call life. Comments are welcome and encouraged!

One response »

  1. If both people have chosen to live that way ,are both happy in the relationship and they both treat each other with love and respect then thats fine and its up to them. Watching alexis and her husband it comes across that he is bullying ,speaks to her like dirt and seems as if he expects her to either put up with it or she can go. She seems desperate to please him and terrified of losing him. I wonder if he was skint wether she would stay? Shes obviously not with him for his looks and personality. Perhaps his constant put downs have dented her self esteem?


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