So last month I turned another year older.

Time really does fly.

Rather than the huge extravaganza that made up my 30th birthday, I celebrated my birthday with close friends.

As I reflected back on my thirtieth year–a year I expected great change–I realized I didn’t really conquer any huge monumental goals as I had in earlier years…however I did accomplish quite a few smaller things.

My 30th year was one where I learned the true pain of a rough heart break…

…it also was the same year was one where I conquered a new sport.

My 30th year was one where I met and made new friends…

…it was also a year I struggled yet managed ties with ones from the past.

My 30th year was one where I interviewed for many exciting jobs…

…and felt the pain of not getting those I wanted.

My 30th year was one where I helped launch a successful female social networking group…

…it was also the year I began a freelance business of my own.

I realized that I didn’t need the huge accomplishments and goals to make the year unforgettable.

I learned that I am not a quitter, not a settler and absolutely not a coward. I needed the tough life lessons this year handed out to me to truly realize this.

Let’s just put it this way, with all the anguish that my 30th year brought, my 31st is handing out a FEW gracious gifts. Most recently a new job.

And because of all the good and bad that made up that big year, I can easily say my 31st year never looked so good.

About Elisa D Wallace

Hello World! I'm a 31-year-old, freelance writer, living in Charlotte, NC. This blog provides insight on what life has like since I am no longer, "Almost Thirty" and now "Anxiously Thirty." Follow me as I attempt, to gracefully navigate through this random thing I call life. Comments are welcome and encouraged!

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